Mon - Fri 9:00AM - 5:00PM 310-331-0058[email protected]
Happy Patients


BH Wound Care specializes in providing comprehensive regenerative wound care treatments, and one of the remarkable options we offer is Santyl, an FDA-approved prescription ointment designed to promote regenerative wound healing and remove dead tissue from wounds, a process known as debridement.

How Santyl Works:

Santyl is formulated with two types of collagenases, powerful enzymes that break down collagen in wounds. By applying Santyl to the affected area, it effectively breaks down dead and damaged collagen, eliminating barriers to the healing process. Additionally, Santyl creates bioactive peptide byproducts, which play a crucial role in signaling cells associated with wound closure.

Conditions Santyl Treats:
Our experienced healthcare professionals use Santyl to treat a wide range of wounds, including chronic skin ulcers like diabetic ulcers and venous leg ulcers, severely burned areas, pressure sores, surgical wounds, and traumatic wounds. Depending on the severity of the wound, Santyl is applied once or twice a day. A thin layer of the ointment is applied and covered with a sterile dressing, ensuring optimal healing conditions.

Benefits of Santyl:
  1. Dead Tissue Removal: Santyl removes dead and damaged tissue, clearing the path for the healing process.
  2. Bioactive Peptide Byproducts: It creates bioactive peptide byproducts that signal cells associated with wound closure.
  3. New Blood Vessel Formation: Santyl promotes the formation of new blood vessels, essential for delivering nutrients and oxygen to the wound bed.
  4. Stimulates Skin Cell Growth: It stimulates the growth of new skin cells, aiding in the regeneration of healthy tissue.

Clinical Effectiveness:
Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of Santyl in wound healing. Research has shown that Santyl accelerates wound healing and improves closure rates significantly. For instance, in a study focused on diabetic ulcers, Santyl outperformed standard wound care treatments. Similarly, in patients with spinal cord injuries, Santyl was found to be effective in healing pressure sores.

Trust Santyl for Advanced Wound Healing:

At BH Wound Care, we prioritize your well-being. Santyl is a safe and effective treatment, particularly for chronic and complex wounds that have not responded to other interventions. Our dedicated healthcare professionals supervise the use of Santyl to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.

Experience the Healing Power of Santyl with BH Wound Care:
Are you or a loved one struggling with chronic wounds? Trust the expertise of BH Wound Care. Our team of skilled professionals is here to provide personalized wound care solutions, including Santyl, tailored to your unique needs. Don’t let wounds hinder your quality of life. Take the first step towards faster, more effective healing.

Contact BH Wound Care today to schedule a consultation and discover how Santyl can transform your wound healing journey.


Struggling with a non-healing wound can be incredibly frustrating, but you don’t have to face it alone, BH Wound Care has you covered.

By harnessing the power of advanced, evidence-based medical technologies, we aim to expedite the healing process, helping you get back to your life wound-free. Our ultimate goal is to achieve complete healing for every patient we serve.



Our highly trained specialists work in tandem, ensuring comprehensive care. Whatever your requirements, we’re here to help you through every step of the healing journey, from handling referrals to insurance authorizations and beyond.

With regular follow-ups and unwavering support, we keep a close eye on your progress, ensuring the quickest possible recovery.

Don’t let non-healing wounds hold you back any longer. Experience the difference at BH Wound Care and rediscover a life without limitations.