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Amniotic Tissue Patches: Advancing Wound Care for Non-Healing Wounds

In the field of wound care, non-healing wounds pose significant challenges to patients and healthcare providers alike. Fortunately, advances in medical technology have led to the development of innovative treatments like amniotic tissue patches. These remarkable biological dressings have shown promising results in promoting wound healing and improving patient outcomes. In this article, we’ll delve into what amniotic tissue patches are, how they are used in wound care, and the numerous benefits they offer for non-healing wounds.
What are Amniotic Tissue Patches?

Amniotic tissue patches are biologically derived wound dressings that are sourced from the inner layer of the placenta, known as the amnion. The amniotic membrane is a naturally occurring tissue that surrounds and protects the developing fetus during pregnancy. Rich in growth factors, cytokines, and other regenerative components, this tissue possesses remarkable healing properties.

The amniotic tissue is processed and sterilized to create a patch that can be applied directly to the wound site. The resulting amniotic tissue patch is essentially a biologic scaffold, designed to aid in the wound healing process and improve tissue regeneration.

How are Amniotic Tissue Patches Used in Wound Care?
Amniotic tissue patches are utilized in the management of various non-healing wounds, such as diabetic foot ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure sores, and other chronic wounds. The application process is relatively straightforward and can be performed in an outpatient setting. Here’s an overview of how amniotic tissue patches are used in wound care:
  1. Wound Preparation: Before applying the amniotic tissue patch, the wound is carefully cleansed and debrided to remove dead tissue and any potential sources of infection. This step ensures an optimal environment for wound healing.
  2. Amniotic Tissue Patch Application: The processed amniotic tissue patch is then carefully placed over the wound bed. The patch acts as a biological scaffold that provides a conducive environment for cellular migration, proliferation, and differentiation.
  3. Dressing and Follow-up: After applying the amniotic tissue patch, an appropriate dressing is used to secure it in place. Depending on the wound’s severity and the healthcare provider’s recommendations, the dressing may need to be changed periodically. Regular follow-up visits are scheduled to monitor the wound’s progress and ensure proper healing.
Benefits for Non-Healing Wounds
Amniotic tissue patches offer a plethora of benefits for non-healing wounds, making them an increasingly popular choice in wound care. Some of the notable advantages include:

  1. Enhanced Healing: The amniotic tissue is rich in growth factors that stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. These factors promote cell proliferation, angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), and collagen synthesis, leading to faster wound closure.
  2. Reduction of Inflammation: Amniotic tissue patches have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce swelling and discomfort at the wound site. By mitigating excessive inflammation, the risk of infection is also minimized.
  3. Reduced Scarring: The unique composition of amniotic tissue patches supports the growth of healthy tissue, which can result in less scarring and improved cosmetic outcomes.
  4. Decreased Pain: Patients undergoing amniotic tissue patch treatment often experience reduced pain and discomfort as the patches contribute to a more rapid and efficient healing process.
  5. Natural and Safe: Amniotic tissue patches are derived from a biological source and processed under stringent regulations to ensure safety and minimize the risk of adverse reactions.
Amniotic tissue patches have emerged as a promising option in the management of non-healing wounds. Their regenerative properties, anti-inflammatory effects, and ability to promote tissue repair make them a valuable addition to the wound care arsenal. As medical research and technology continue to advance, it is likely that amniotic tissue patches will play an increasingly significant role in improving the quality of life for patients with chronic wounds, helping them heal faster and enjoy better outcomes. Always consult a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment for specific wound care needs.


Struggling with a non-healing wound can be incredibly frustrating, but you don’t have to face it alone, BH Wound Care has you covered.

By harnessing the power of advanced, evidence-based medical technologies, we aim to expedite the healing process, helping you get back to your life wound-free. Our ultimate goal is to achieve complete healing for every patient we serve.



Our highly trained specialists work in tandem, ensuring comprehensive care. Whatever your requirements, we’re here to help you through every step of the healing journey, from handling referrals to insurance authorizations and beyond.

With regular follow-ups and unwavering support, we keep a close eye on your progress, ensuring the quickest possible recovery.

Don’t let non-healing wounds hold you back any longer. Experience the difference at BH Wound Care and rediscover a life without limitations.